Account Owners & System Admins
Platform roles required to view and manage system settings.
To review or modify Task settings, navigate to the System Settings screen.
Navigate to Menu > Settings
Configure Task Settings
Task settings provide users with the ability to configure how tasks are routed to agents within your contact center.
Task Order
Defines the order in which tasks are routed to agents.
- First In First Out is enabled by default.
Agent Notes
Agent notes allow agents to take notes for each assigned "Task" directly within Twilio Flex.
- Agent notes are enabled by default.
Automatic Wrap-Up
Automatic wrap-up allows "Tasks" to be completed automatically without going into wrap-up.
- Automatic Wrap-Up is disabled by default.
If automatic wrap-up is enabled, the wrap-up time limit will be disabled and hidden from view.
Wrap-Up Time Limit
Wrap-up time limit allows "Tasks" to be completed automatically after a set time limit.
- Wrap-Up Time Limit is disabled by default.
Default Outbound Messaging Number
Defines the default outbound number used for all SMS conversations.
Reject Tasks
Defines if your agents are able to reject incoming "Tasks".
- Reject Tasks is enabled by default.
Automate Agent Statuses
Enables agent statuses to be automatically transitioned into different agent statuses based on channels and task transitions.
- Automate Agent Statuses are disabled by default.
Copy Message History
Allows the agents to copy the message history with a one-click action.
- Copy Message History is disabled by default.
Default Messaging Studio Flow
Defines the studio flow to be used by the system when the phone number has been unassigned from a user.