Manage individual communication channel settings for teams within your Twilio Flex contact center.

Account Owners, System Admins & Supervisors

Platform roles required to view and manage teams. Supervisors cannot edit communication channel settings for teams.

To edit the communication channel settings for a team, navigate to the Manage Teams screen.

Navigate to Menu > Manage Teams


After selecting the team, you will be redirected to the team details screen. 

  • Select the “Communication Channels” tab.


A list of the communication channels that are available in your contact center will be displayed.

By default the following communication channels are enabled for every account:

  • Messaging (SMS & Chat)
  • Voice

Additional communication channels include the following: 

  • Facebook Messenger
  • WhatsApp
  • Instagram

Edit Communication Channel

To edit communication channel settings for a team, select the edit (pencil) icon next to the channel. 

  • Hover over the channel in the "enabled for team" column 
  • Click on the edit (pencil) icon


A modal will appear allowing you to edit the communication channel for the team.

  • Click on the toggle, to disable or enable the communication channel for the team
  • Click the "Save" button to apply the changes 


After saving the changes, the communication channel settings will be updated in the list of channels.



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