Easily assign agents to teams within your Twilio Flex contact center. Agents assigned to teams automatically inherit the skills assigned to the team.

Account Owners & System Admins

Platform roles required to view and manage teams.

To assign agents to a team, users will navigate to the Manage Teams screen.

Navigate to Menu > Manage Teams


Assign Agents to a Team

After selecting the team in which agents will be assigned, you will be redirected to the team details screen.

  • Select the “Assigned Agents” tab.
  • Click the “+” icon in the top right section of the table.


After clicking on the “+” icon, the "Assign Agents to Team" slideout will appear allowing the user to select the agents to assign to the team.

  • Click the drop-down menu in the “Select Agents” box to access available agents
    • Search or select the agents to assign to the team from the drop-down 
      • Multiple agents can be selected at once
Search_Select_Agents.png Selected_Agents.png

Selected agents can be deselected before saving changes to the team. 

  • Click the “Save Changes” button to assign agents to the team

All of the selected agents will appear in a list on the "Assigned Agents" tab. 


Remove Agents from a Team

To remove an agent from a team, select the remove (trashcan) icon, and confirm that the agent should be removed.

  • Hover your cursor over the name of the agent that will be removed from the team 
  • Click on the remove (trashcan) icon
  • Select “Yes” when the delete confirmation message appears


Remove Agents from a Team (Bulk)

Multiple agents can be removed from the team at one time.  

  • Select the checkbox next to the name of the agents that should be removed from the team
  • Click the delete (trashcan) icon above the agent list header
  • Select “Yes” when the delete confirmation message appears

Additionally, all of the agents on the page can be removed at once.

  • Select the checkbox in the header beside the "Name" label
    • Each agent will be selected. Every agent selected will be removed from the team
  • Click the delete (trashcan) icon above the agent list header
  • Select “Yes” when the delete confirmation message appears


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