FLEXFIG Product Release 1.7.0
New Features: Notes Added to the Agent Desktop; Rich Text Editor Added to Notes
Account Owner, System Admin, Supervisor, or Agent role required.
Notes Added to Tasks on the Agent Desktop
Agents are now able to review existing notes and create new notes for tasks from within the Agent Desktop by clicking on the "Notes" tab.
Rich Text Editor for Notes
Agents are now able to add notes using a rich text editor from within the Agent Desktop or the contact record's activity history.
New Features: Filter Tasks by Queue, Filter Tasks by Contact, and Stored Filters for Tasks
Account Owner, System Admin, or Supervisor role required.
Task Filters
Tasks can now be filtered by the following:
- Queues
- Contacts
Chat History
Chat history is now viewable from the Manage Task screen for any SMS or Webchat messages sent by contact records within Twilio Flex.
Stored Task Filter
Tasks filters are now stored when navigating from one screen to another within your Twilio Flex contact center. To reset the stored filters, please select "Clear Filters".