Import contact records into your Twilio Flex contact center.

Account Owners & System Admins

Platform roles required to import contact records.

To import contact records, navigate to the Manage Contacts screen.

Navigate to Menu > Manage Contacts


Import Contact Records

Select the “Import Contacts” button located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.


After clicking on the “Import Contacts” button, an "Import Contacts" modal will display for you to upload your .CSV file of contact records. 

A list of contacts can be imported into the contact center in two different ways: 

Drag & Drop the .CSV File

  • Drag the import file into the “Drop CSV files here or click to upload” section 
  • Click on the "Import" button to start the import process 

Manually Select the .CSV File

  • Click on the “Drop CSV files here or click to upload” section
  • Select the .CSV file to upload from your computer
    • The file name will appear in the upload box after you have selected it
  • Click on the "Import" button to start the import process 



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